Posts tagged Church
How to Practice Church Discipline | Matthew 18:15-20

Series: All!

  • Jesus has all authority,

  • So that all nations

  • Might pledge all allegiance to him.

Title: “How to Practice Church Discipline” (Darien Gabriel)

Scripture: Matthew 18:15-20 NIV

Heavily relied on O’Donnell for this one. (See below)

Bottom line: We all practice church discipline by lovingly confronting those who sin against us (per Matthew 18) with the aim of restoring the relationship.





Discussion questions for group and personal study.

Reflect and Discuss

1. What does it mean to become like children in verse 3? What is the difference between having childlike faith and being immature in your faith?

2. How does the requirement of humility in verses 1-4 compare with our culture's view of greatness?

3. Explain how a biblical view of the church goes against a culture that prizes independence?

4. How should the parable of the Lost Sheep in verses 10-14 inform our view of church discipline?

5. Respond to the following objection to church discipline: If our church disciplines members, then unbelievers will be turned off and discouraged from coming.

6. What is the ultimate goal of church discipline?

7. What does Matthew 18 have to add to our view of church membership?

8. List things that should and should not be matters of church discipline.

9. What is the main point of the parable of the Unforgiving Servant (wv. 23-35)?

10. If you aren't showing mercy to others, how might that be an indica tion that you are not being shaped by the gospel?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at

Weekly questions I answer in preparation for the sermon:

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. How to practice church discipline

Q. Why?

A. Because it leads to a holier and healthier church family

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Practice church discipline/confrontation per Matthew 18

Q. Why?

A. Because these steps lead to a holier, healthier church family.


Our oldest grandson is almost 2-1/2 years old. He trusts his parents and grandparents right now. He has an implicit faith in us. When we tell him something, he just believes us. You might call him innocent. He is not! You might call him naive. But for now he trusts us implicitly and humbly. He just knows he doesn’t know near as much as we do.

This is what I think Jesus was trying to communicate to his 12 earlier here. To know that you’re a son off the king, you must humble yourself and turn and become like a 2-3 yr old trusting your Heavenly Father in all he says.


Matt. 18:1–20:34 The Community of the Messiah Revealed.

  • This is the fourth of Jesus’ five major discourses in Matthew’s Gospel

  • As his earthly ministry draws to a close, Jesus has spent considerable time clarifying his identity and mission (chs. 14–17).

    • He instructs his disciples on the nature of his covenant community, explaining the kingdom community’s characteristics (18:1–35),

    • its implications for the sanctity of marriage (19:1–12), and

    • its value (19:13–20:34). ESV Study Bible note

What’s important to remember about this context is that Jesus is dealing with how local believers interact with each other. They pursue wandering brothers and sisters in Christ. They lovingly confront sinful behavior. This is different than confronting someone in the world outside of the church.


Bottom line: We all practice church discipline by lovingly confronting those who sin against us (per Matthew 18) with the aim of restoring the relationship.

Church discipline is the act of lovingly confronting one who sins against us so that they humbly respond with repentance restoring their relationship with us and the Lord.

How do we do this?

First, Why confront?

My notes after reading O’Donnell

Have you ever been legitimately confronted over something you did wrong? Or sin?

It’s a humbling experience. Makes you feel small.

“But small, as we learned (earlier in Matthew 18), is the appropriate size to get into the kingdom as well as move up in it. Thus, if confrontation can lead to that kind of smallness, it is something we all, from time to time, very well need.” P. 509

Why confront?

This passage is about how the church (the people) confronts the one who sins against them. But before we tackle how, let’s understand why we even do it.

Most churches want to do this as much as a parent wants to spank a child in the Super Walmart. It’s hard form some to hear that a church can excommunicate someone. It sounds harsh, judgmental, unloving and so against the spirit of the age. This is why we start with why?

4 reasons one Christian confronts another:

1 from our passage and

3 from the surrounding context

  1. The first reason for Christian confrontation is the value of one straying sheep.

    1. Notice how Jesus moves from his parable of the lost sheep directly to this. Matthew inserts nothing in between. Presumably, Jesus does not stop talking in between.

      1. From: Sheep—how God values each individual Christian, even and especially strayed sheep

      2. To: This

      3. Why? Because they are thematically linked.

      4. The Father’s concern for sinners and the Shepherd’s rescue of those who’ve wandered from the fold are now the church’s concern.

    2. The Church confronts because we value each and every sheep, even and especially straying sheep.

  2. The second reason for Christian confrontation is the hope of forgiveness and family reconciliation.

    1. Immediate context: Theme is the forgiveness of a brother’s sin.

      1. Note “Brother” is generic for Christian but is also familial language. He could have used “disciple”

      2. Family reconciliations are the best. Think of the prodigal son. (Luke 15)

  3. The third reason for Christian confrontation is, a little laxity leads to a lot of lapsing.

    1. Paul said, “a little leaven leaven’s the whole lump.” 1 Cor 5:6

    2. A little leaven (neglected sin in the church) leaven’s the whole lump (affects whole church)

    3. A little laxity (let this or that sin go unchecked) leads to a lot of lapsing (I guess if he does that, I can do this)

    4. Cutting off sin (18:8-9) “That by guarding our own personal holiness we guard others, especially those weaker in the faith” p. 511

    5. Ex. “Newly baptized Christian sees an elder in the church sinning, and that elder is not confronted and corrected by the church, then the younger Christian will likely be tempted to similarly sin.” p. 511

    6. “Christian confrontation helps protect and purify the church (like salt), and it helps prevent the spread of sin throughout the Body of Christ.”

  4. The fourth reason for Christian confrontation is that it is a command of Christ…because Jesus is Lord.”

    1. Reproof and love go together.

    2. “Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.” Lev 19:17-18

    3. Tolerating sin is not loving.

    4. Because God loves, God disciplines.

    5. It’s the loving shepherd who goes after the lost sheep.

    6. The unloving shepherd stays at home

      1. He’s either indifferent (what’s 1 out of 100), or

      2. He’s lenient (oh, sheep will be sheep)

    7. So, Christians are to confront sinning Christians because

      1. We value one straying sheep

      2. We hope for forgiveness and family reconciliation

      3. We know that a little laxity leads to a lot of lapsing, and

      4. Christian confrontation is a loving command from the most loving man who ever lived.

Then, How confront?

3 Strikes and You’re Out (Quick and dirty)

  1. Confront one on one.

    1. If they listen, you’ve won them over. It’s over.

    2. If they don’t, proceed to step two.

  2. Confront with 2-3 witnesses.

    1. If they listen, you’ve won them over. It’s over.

    2. If they don’t, proceed to step three.

  3. Confront with the church.

    1. If they listen, you’ve won them over. It’s over.

    2. If they don’t, you expel them from the church and treat them as a non-Christian.

More detailed outline…

How to Lovingly Confront—3 Steps (O’Donnell)

  1. Go and win (gain)

    1. First, 3 important details

      1. Notice who is confronting whom—it’s brother to brother…

        1. Not brother to person in the world.

        2. There’s a time for that—this isn’t about that.

      2. Notice when this occurs—only “if your brother sins against you.” (In ESV text; footnoted in NIV)

        1. Just between you and him alone (if have “against you” personally as in ESV)

        2. And it is “sin”, behavior that is clearly and consistently contrary to Christ’s commands

        3. This is not bad personality traits or poor hygiene

      3. Notice (speaking on sin) that Jesus assumes Christians will sin


      1. First step is not…

        1. To wait

        2. To sit and sulk

        3. To give a cold shoulder or silent treatment

        4. Indifference

        5. Tit for tat

        6. To gossip

        7. To slander

      2. Rather, step 1 is a private conversation—underline “just between the two of you” (15)

        1. Gently and/or

        2. With holy harshness

        3. Nathan modeled this in a balanced way with King David (2 Sam 12:1-7)

        4. Paul throughout his ministry; Gal 2:11 I opposed Peter to his face

        5. Jesus showed holy harshness in 18:8-9

        6. Regardless, the spirit is that of humility and love, a solemn concern for your brother’s soul

        7. So we go hoping to win i.e. restore, gain to God and to fellowship with the church

        8. Hoping to bring light to their darkness. If he sees this darkness, confesses it, asks for forgiveness, you’re won or gained your brother

    3. Step 2: Establish Testimony (evidence) SMALL GROUP CLARIFICATION

      1. Jesus is practical

      2. Jesus is also realistic. Most of us get defensive when confronted.

      3. Why? Because we’re proud. Instead of melting like butter, we harden like clay.

      4. “Jesus’ lesson on becoming like little children applies well here as well. Humility is needed! and such humility is helped along by bringing others to hear the case.” P. 516

      5. 2 or 3 others/witnesses comes from Deut 19:15. Why?

        1. To protect against a false accusation—brother B is exaggerating or lying about brother A’s offense.

        2. To help brother A, if he’s been rightly accused, to see his sin as sin, or in other words, to add their voice of reproof so he might repent, and

        3. To be public witnesses, if needed, if the matter comes to the whole church (2 Cor 13:1; 1 Tim 5:19)


      1. A censure is an official reprimand and judgment. Here it is the church saying, “3 strikes and your out—you’ve been excommunicated from the fellowship.”p. 516

      2. First, let’s be clear on who is to blame here—it’s the unrepentant brother—he has refused to “listen”

      3. This text isn’t just how to confront—it’s how to respond to confrontation

      4. 3 Strikes and you’re out

        1. “If a sinner won’t cut off his sin, the church cuts him off.” V. 17

        2. That is, treat him like someone who has betrayed the covenant (like a traitor tax collector) and someone who does not currently believe in the covenant (gentile or pagan); their actions move leaders to declare that they are not a follower of Christ

        3. In NT, excommunication meant not allowing this unrepentant “brother” to participate in the public gatherings—

          1. A worship service

          2. Lord’s Supper

          3. Prayer meeting

          4. A judicial meeting

          5. For some, this is the limited version

          6. For others, it was unlimited restriction:

            1. “If any false teacher ‘comes to you…do not receive him into your home or give him any greeting’” (2 John 10)

            2. “As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice (i.e. Matthew 18:15-17), have nothing to do with him.” (Titus 3:10)

            3. “[Do] not …associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is justly or sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviled, drunkard, or swindler”—[Do] not even eat with such a one.” (1 Cor 5:11)

            4. “Yet for both—with limited and unlimited restriction—the hope was held out that this ‘severe measure’ would make the sinner come to his senses, that this ‘brother’ would act like a brother should —repent and return.” P. 517

            5. 1 Cor 5-6

            6. 2 Thess 3:14-15

      5. Coming out of 15-17, Jesus masterfully assumes there will be pushback. “Says who?” AUTHORITY

        1. “You see, when a brother or sister is excommunicated, before they leave (and/or sue) the disciplining church and go to another, they will nearly always reply to the disciplining church, ‘You’re not God. Who gives you the right?’ And to that objection our Lord leaves his church 18-20, his gentle way of saying ‘shut it’” pp. 517-18

        2. “These verses are not about the value of prayer meetings.”

        3. “Rather, these verses are about Jesus giving his divine authority to forgive sins (or loose) or not forgive (to bind) into the hands of the church.” P. 518

        4. “If the local church gathers together in the name of Christ—even two or three—to judge another brother (that’s the context, v. 17 esp.), then what these brothers decide on earth is decided (already) in heaven. Why? Jesus’ answer is, ‘Because I say so’…It’s a matter of transference of authority.” P. 518

        5. “The church has been given the authority to forgive (receive back into fellowship) or excommunicate (remove from fellowship). This is how we use the keys to the kingdom.


Our bottom line today is that we all practice church discipline by lovingly confronting those who’ve sinned against us with the aim of restoring the relationship.

  1. Are you ever confronting sin?

  2. When you do, do you do so with humility and love and the aim to restore the relationship?

  3. Is someone confronting you?

  4. Are you responding with humility and repentance?

  5. Is the Lord challenging you to join your local church?

What is God saying to you right now?

Let’s pray.

Church discipline -various levels by warren wiersbe

“Various levels of church discipline

Personal differences between Christians (Matt. 18:15–18; Phil. 4:1–3). 

If a brother or sister sins against me (either deliberately or unknowingly), I should go to that person privately and seek to get the matter settled. Only if the person refuses to settle the matter should I bring anyone else in; and the problem must not go to the church family until every other means has been exhausted.

Doctrinal error. 

Determine first of all why the person is teaching wrong doctrine. Perhaps it is because of ignorance and lack of Bible knowledge. In that case, patiently teach him the truth (2 Tim. 2:23–26). If he persists, rebuke him (Titus 1:10–14). Paul had to do this to Peter (Gal. 2:11ff). If the error continues, avoid him (Rom. 16:17–18), and then separate yourself from him (2 Tim. 2:18ff; 2 John 9ff).

A believer overtaken by sin (Gal. 6:1–3).

Even the great Apostle Peter denied the Lord. And David yielded to lust and committed adultery. When a Christian is caught in known sin, the spiritual members of the church must seek to restore him with gentleness and love. The word restore here means “to set a broken bone”—and that takes tenderness and patience. Too often the church quickly passes judgment on a believer who has sinned, and the damage done causes problems for years to come.

A repeating troublemaker (Titus 3:10). 

The word heretic does not refer to doctrinal error, but to a proud attitude of one who gets people to “take sides” in the church. The Greek word means “to make a choice.” This leads to divisions and cliques in the local church (see Gal. 5:20 where heresies ought to be translated “sects, parties”). There is hardly a church that does not have its parties for or against anything—the pastor, the building program, even the color of the kitchen walls. Usually these “heretics” are people who like to be important; they want a following. Often they have deep emotional problems that Satan can use to create spiritual problems in the church. Perhaps they are frustrated at home or on the job; or perhaps they have, in the past, been hurt by some pastor or church.

These “factious people” should be given two official warnings. If they repeat their sin of dividing the church, they should be given a third warning and rejected. “Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned” (Titus 3:10–11, niv).

It is my conviction that such people should not hold office in the church. It is also my conviction that, if they leave the church “in a conviction that, if they leave the church “in a huff,” they should be restored to fellowship only twice. The third time—they are out!

Open immorality (1 Cor. 5).

The church must mourn over the sinner (the same word is used for mourning over the dead) and seek to bring him to repentance. If he refuses, the church collectively should dismiss him (1 Cor. 5:13, where the Greek word means “expel”). If he repents, he must be forgiven and restored to fellowship in the church (2 Cor. 2:6–11).

In the case of the “lazy saints,” Paul told the believers to exhort them, warn them, and if they did not repent, withdraw intimate fellowship from them. This probably meant that these believers were not permitted to share in the Lord’s Supper, and that the church members would not invite them to their homes. Second Thessalonians 3:14 does not apply to every case of discipline. It applies only to the matter of saints not working for a living.

“Have no company” literally means “do not get mixed up with”; the same word is used in 1 Corinthians 5:9. There is a difference between acquaintanceship, friendship, and fellowship; for fellowship means “to have in common.” For obedient saints to treat disobedient Christians with the same friendship they show to other dedicated saints is to give approval to their sins.

However, Paul (knowing the tendency of human nature to go to extremes) cautioned them not to treat the offenders like enemies. “They are still your brothers in Christ,” he added. Lot was out of fellowship with God and Abraham because he lived in Sodom; yet Abraham rescued Lot from the enemy because Lot was his brother (Gen. 14, and note especially v. 14). It requires much patience, love, and grace to help an erring brother; and this is why Paul added a final motive for earning a living.”

Church Discipline by Warren Wiersbe

The Question of Chapter 18

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, 'Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Matthew 18:1

The rest of the chapter is a response to that question.

--God's Search and Rescue Plan: Church Discipline by David V. Edling, p. 6

From John Stott wrote in "Christian Counter-culture":

"The addition of the words as we also have forgiven our debtors is further emphasized in verses 14 and 15 which follow the prayer and state that our Father will forgive us if we forgive others but will not forgive us if we refuse to forgive others. This certainly does not mean that our forgiveness of others earns us the right to be forgiven. It is rather that God forgives only the penitent and that one of the chief evidences of true penitence is a forgiving spirit. Once our eyes have been opened to see the enormity of our offence against God, the injuries which others have done to us appear by comparison extremely triffling. If, on the other hand, we have an exaggerated view of the offences of others, it proves that we have minimized our own. It is the disparity between the size of debts which is the main point of the parable of the unmerciful servant. It's conclusion is: 'I forgave you all that debt (which was huge)...; should you not have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?'" pp. 149-150


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

God's Search and Rescue Plan: Church Discipline by David V. Edling

Read More
How Relationship Trumps Religion | Matthew 12:38-50

Series: All!

Scripture: Matthew 12:38-50 (Main)

Title: “How relationship trumps religion” (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line: We are born spiritually bankrupt. But we cannot save ourselves. So instead of trying to reform ourselves, we should humbly repent of our sins and trust Jesus to deliver us like he did Jonah.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. Matthew compares Jesus to Jonah and Solomon. 

How do these comparisons speak to the seriousness of rejecting Christ?

2. How did Jonah serve as a “sign” of Jesus’s authority and mission?

3. How has Jesus brought healing to your life? What difference has Jesus’s power made in your struggle against evil?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


How many of you remember cameras before digital photography? How many of you remember Kodak film?

Kodak went bankrupt as a company because they didn’t adapt their company to take advantage of digital technology.

But did you know that they actually developed digital photography?

They didn’t see that the way to the future of photography was through digital technology.

If you’ve been a part of the church for very long, you are vulnerable to making the same mistake. You can be so committed to the religion that you miss the relationship.

Even though we didn’t start in the old covenant, we can behave as if our religious ways are a covenant that is more like the old law than the new—more about religion than relationship. We must evaluate our relationship with God by looking at our willingness to do the will of God in practice instead of relying on our religion to save us.

Bottom line: We are born spiritually bankrupt. But we cannot save ourselves. So instead of trying to reform ourselves, we should humbly repent of our sins and trust Jesus to deliver us like he did Jonah.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. We are spiritually bankrupt and unable to deliver ourselves from sin and death.

Q. Why?

A. Because we’re prideful and we think we can save ourselves.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Repent instead of reject or reform.

Q. Why?

A. Because it doesn’t work. In fact, it makes us more wicked than we already are.

Bottom line: We are born spiritually bankrupt. But we cannot save ourselves. So instead of trying to reform ourselves, we should humbly repent of our sins and trust Jesus to deliver us like he did Jonah.

Context: Jesus is talking to the crowd and the religious leaders intent on discrediting him. He continues to show them portraits of himself through his direct teachings. He’ll move to parables in the next chapter making his truths less obvious to some and even incomprehensible to others.

Outline (David Platt’s outline)

We saw earlier that He (Jesus) is the Greater Priest. Today we see 3 more portraits of Jesus:

I. He is the Greater Prophet

A. Jonah was alive after 3 days in a fish; Jesus would be alive after 3 days in a grave.

B. The Ninevites responded with repentance; the Israelites were responding with rejection.

II. He is the Wiser King

III. He is Our Elder Brother

A. What we don’t need: an empty religion consumed with outer reformation.

B. What we do need: an intimate relationship compelled by inner transformation.


So what?

  • We need to see Jesus for who he really is so that we can see in contrast who we really are. Then we see our genuine need for rescue from sin and death.

  • We see our need to become part of the family of God.

  • We see that we cannot become part of the family of God unless he delivers us from the belly of the fish—from the tomb. For the wages of sin is death.

  • We need to see that our deliverance doesn’t come from us being more religious or working harder to earn something. Our salvation comes when we surrender and let him save us. We quit fighting him and let him rescue us.

A lost person is like a drowning person who is so desperate to not drown that they overwhelm their rescuer and drown them in the process. This is why it’s better to let that person nearly drown and then rescue them. Because they can no longer try to save themselves.

Bottom line: We are born spiritually bankrupt. But we cannot save ourselves. So instead of trying to reform ourselves, we should humbly repent of our sins and trust Jesus to deliver us like he did Jonah.

Like these Pharisees steeped in religion, we too display our spiritual bankruptcy until we repent and believe that Jesus is the way from dead, empty religion and moralism to abundant life that lasts forever. We must turn from trying to dig out of our own insurmountable debt to surrendering to the one who can forgive our debts and restore us to life and wipe out our sins.


D Willmington’s outline”

I. Their Judges: A prophet, a city, and a queen

“Although they’d already seen Jesus perform many miracles, the Pharisees sought one more sign from him to prove his messianic claims. Chastising them for their persistent unbelief, Jesus reminded them of Jonah’s miraculous escape from the great fish, and in a veiled prophecy compared that to his own approaching death and resurrection. In judgment, these self-righteous Pharisees will be found wanting in the presence of Gentiles who exhibit true faith. (Luke 11:29-32)

II. Reformation - regeneration = condemnation

“Perhaps recalling the many he had cleansed of demons, Jesus noted that such cleansing is useless unless it leads to a filling with the Holy Spirit.”

III. The real family of God

“When Jesus heard that members of his biological family were looking for him, he used the occasion to teach that those who accept him as Messiah can enjoy a relationship with him that transcends earthly ties.”


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

Read More
Why Jesus Came | Matthew 9:1-17

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 9:1-17 (Main);

Title: Why Jesus Came #Forgiveness (Darien Gabriel)

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world and therefore deserves all allegiance from the world.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. What would you say if someone asked you, "What is your greatest need?" Explain your answer.

2. Explain the difference between suffering that is directly related to your own sin and suffering that comes as a result of living in a fallen world.

3. If someone said that Jesus never claimed to be divine, how could you respond by using the account of the paralytic?

4. How might Jesus' calling of Matthew give us hope for unbelievers we know who seem unreachable with the gospel?

5. Why do disciples of Jesus fast now? What does this say about our ultimate hope?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Illustration: imagine you have a house do you live in that you owe most of the money on. Maybe you’ve lived there two years and you still owe 28 years on your 30 year mortgage. Now imagine that your AC unit goes out. That’s about $5000 to fix and you just don’t have that kind of money sitting in the bank to buy a replacement. But it’s in the dead of summer or the dead of winter and you really need it now. so you ask the Lord for help. I imagine the Lord send somebody to help and you expect that they’re coming over to give you money to fix the AC unit. But instead what they give you is enough money to pay off of your house all of your house.  you expected them to pay for the AC unit, but not the whole house he would be elated. This is in a sense what Jesus did when he came to the man who was paralyzed. The man came, hoping and expecting, and believing that Jesus could, and would heal him of his paralysis.  And he would’ve been extremely happy if that happened. But instead, Jesus said your sins are forgiven. How do you think he would’ve reacted? I think two feelings would’ve run through him at that moment. First I think he would have been disappointed and surprised. After all, he came to be healed of his paralysis what could be better than that. Second, I think he would have been overwhelmed with gratitude. I think, in the presence of Jesus, looking into his eyes, he would’ve recognized holiness, and recognized his need for forgiveness In Flash. As a result, I think he would’ve been cognizant of the immensity of the gifts he just received, and how much better it was, then to be healed of paralysis.

“Many of you no doubt know of Joni Eareckson Tada, who has been a quadriplegic for several decades. She is confined to a motorized wheelchair.

However, she paints by holding the brush in her mouth, she composes music, she writes books and speaks at conferences, and she has a glorious testimony and an international ministry. She says that she knows that when she gets to heaven she will be whole, and she cannot wait for that moment. In the meantime, she is trusting in the love of God to sustain her during this earthly time of travail. She has said that she would rather be in her wheelchair knowing that she is forgiven in Christ than to be whole without His forgiveness.” RC Sproul, Matthew,

Bottom line: Jesus has all authority in the world and therefore deserves all allegiance from the world.

The world = all authority over disease, demons, the Devil, danger, disciples, death and damnation. That’s pretty comprehensive, wouldn’t you say? Would you say that anyone with that kind of authority in our world would be worthy of all allegiance? Do you live like this?

  • 3-2-3-2-3 pattern

  • “Sermon on the Move” where Jesus is demonstrating his authority and the kingdom of God coming being good news.

9:1-8 Miracle of the Paralytic

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. That Jesus has the divine authority to forgive sins.

Q. Why?

A. Because we all need his forgiveness to be reconciled to God. Perhaps we didn’t believe he had that kind of authority. He demonstrates that he does here.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Respond in faith asking for God to forgive you of your sins today. Be as specific as you can knowing that he’ll reveal your sins to you as you need him to.

Q. Why?

A. This leads to you pledging your full allegiance to Christ as you gladly submit to and worship him.

9:9-13 Discipleship

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Jesus has come not to call those who think they don’t need his forgiveness (the “righteous”) but sinners (who know they need his forgiveness).

Q. Why?

A. Because while God is sovereignly calling people to follow him to repent and believe, we often think we’re ok and don’t need his forgiveness and ignore him. We have a response to make. But we also have a choice. We can choose to trust and follow. And we can choose to reject his gracious offer.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Recognize your need for his forgiveness. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We’re all diseased by sin. Jesus is our only cure.

Q. Why?

A. So that you’ll receive this new life that Jesus offers and walk away from dead religion.

9:14-17 Discipleship

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Jesus brings a newness (covenant, power, kingdom) that cannot be confined to the old forms.

A. Or, “Jesus came not to reform or patch-up a legalistic Judaism but to bring about something new: salvation (forgiveness of sins) by grace through faith.”

Q. Why?

A. So you can experience true life and not a fake religion.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Enter this new life by embracing and following Jesus Christ.

Q. Why?

A. He’s the way to true life.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. Fasting is denying ourselves the things of this world.

Q. Why?

A. So that we keep seek first his kingdom and his righteousness ahead of things of this world.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Fast and pray for Jesus’ return.

Q. Why?

A. To help us keep his return at the forefront of our thinking each day.


David Platt gives us:

A Pause after reading Matthew 8

A. Let’s trust wholeheartedly in Jesus’ authority.

B. Let’s rest peacefully in Jesus’ authority.

C. Let’s submit completely to Jesus’ authority.

D. Let’s rejoice gladly in Jesus’ authority


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

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How NOT to Follow Jesus | Matthew 8:18-34

Series: All: All Authority, All Nations, All Allegiance

Scripture: Matthew 8:18-34 (Main);

Title: How NOT to follow Jesus (Darien Gabriel)

The Bottom line of Matthew 8-9: “Jesus possesses absolute authority in the world and warrants absolute allegiance from the world.”

Bottom line: We truly follow Jesus when we humble ourselves, deny ourselves, courageously take up our cross, overcoming our fear of death and what others think, and follow him with integrity.

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. How NOT to follow Jesus.

Q. Why?

A. Because sometimes it’s easier to understand how to follow Jesus by seeing how NOT to.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Follow Jesus and not just walk behind him.

Q. Why?

A. Because there’s a difference. We truly follow Jesus when we humble ourselves, deny ourselves, courageously take up our cross, overcoming our fear of death and what other think, and follow him with integrity.

Discussion questions for group and personal study.

1. How would you counsel someone who wanted to follow Jesus as long as they could maintain their current lifestyle?

2. Explain how Matthew 8 speaks against the prosperity gospel.

3. How can Jesus' calming of the storm give you comfort in your own trials and suffering?

4. How do verses 28-34 speak to Jesus' authority in regard to Satan?

5. List five ways Matthew 8 demonstrates that Jesus was more (though not less) than a mere man?

6. What would you say if someone asked you, "What is your greatest need?" Explain your answer.

7. Explain the difference between suffering that is directly related to your own sin and suffering that comes as a result of living in a fallen world.

8. If someone said that Jesus never claimed to be divine, how could you respond by using the account of the paralytic?

9. How might Jesus' calling of Matthew give us hope for unbelievers we know who seem unreachable with the gospel?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

Find our sermons, podcasts, discussion questions and notes at


Truth over tribe: pledging allegiance to the lamb not the donkey or the elephant.

1- Matthew is showing us through negative examples how NOT to follow Jesus.

2- At the same time, Matthew is showing Jesus has authority over the whole world:

  • Disciples

  • Danger/Disaster

  • Demons

  • Disease

  • Death

  • Damnation

I. Follow Jesus without pride.

“I will follow you wherever you go.” (19)

  • Impressive words if they are genuine.

  • But Jesus suspects that they are not. So he picks the area of life that will best reveal this to him. No home. No prestige. No comforts.

  • It’s not courage if you don’t realize how dangerous it is. He doesn’t seem to know.

“Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (20)

  • Foxes and birds have homes. Jesus and his followers do not. They walk by faith in simplicity and obscurity seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness trusting that everything they need will be provided.

  • Count the cost, scribe. Humble yourself and realize that Jesus doesn’t need your scholarship or pedigree to accomplish his mission.

II. Follow Jesus without compromise.

“Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” (21)

  • Seems that he wants to follow Jesus on his own terms—in his own time. Waiting on his father to die so he can get the inheritance.

  • Seems to be looking for security in money instead of Jesus.

  • “Seek first…”

III. Follow Jesus without fear for your life.

  • The storm scares them to death.

  • They wake Jesus and ask him to save them.

  • Jesus saves them in response to their “little faith” (Mark says “no” faith).

  • Jesus chastises them and calls them to greater faith: Courageous, confident faith.

IV. Follow Jesus without boundaries.

  • They went outside of Israel. Cf. Acts 1:8

  • We see Jesus’ authority over demons again here.

V. Follow Jesus without fear for what others think.

  • They bring the paralytic to Jesus.

  • Jesus forgives sins first—then heals.

  • Jesus doesn’t care what others think, even though it will cost him his life.

  • Jesus shows he has authority over disease and damnation.


David Platt gives us:

A Pause after reading Matthew 8

A. Let’s trust wholeheartedly in Jesus’ authority.

B. Let’s rest peacefully in Jesus’ authority.

C. Let’s submit completely to Jesus’ authority.

D. Let’s rejoice gladly in Jesus’ authority



Platt’s outline

I. The Basic Outline of Matthew 8-9

A. 3 miracle stories (8:1-17) (LAST WEEK)

B. 2 descriptions of discipleship (8:18-22) (THIS WEEK)

C. 3 miracle stories (8:23-9:8) (THIS WEEK TOO?)

D. 2 descriptions of discipleship (9:9-17) (NEXT WEEK)

E. 3 miracle stories (9:18-34) (NEXT WEEK)

II. The Bottom line of Matthew 8-9: “Jesus possesses absolute authority in the world and warrants absolute allegiance from the world.”

III. The Portrait of Jesus in Matthew 8

A. Jesus has authority of disease. (LAST WEEK)

    1. He cleanses the physically unclean.

    2. He heals the ethnically outcast.

    3. He restores the culturally marginalized.

B. Jesus has authority over disciples. (THIS WEEK)

    1. Jesus is worthy of unconditional trust.

    2. Jesus is worthy of undivided affection.

C. Jesus has authority over disaster.

    1. The point of the story: Jesus is God.

    2. The promise of the story: You will never be alone.

D. Jesus has authority over demons.

    1. The demons have fear because of their belief. (Cf. James 2:19)

    2. We often have fear because of our unbelief.

IV. A Pause after reading Matthew 8

A. Let’s trust wholeheartedly in Jesus’ authority.

B. Let’s rest peacefully in Jesus’ authority.

C. Let’s submit completely to Jesus’ authority.

D. Let’s rejoice gladly in Jesus’ authority.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“Jesus Manifesto” sermon series, by Darien Gabriel:

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible

ESV Gospel Transformation Bible (GTB)

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Why God Seals His People | Revelation 7

This parenthetical chapter between the 6th and 7th seals takes the time to share this truth that God seals his people. Therefore, they do not need to fear God’s judgment for he will protect them from them.

I. The sealing of the servants of God on the earth. (7:1-8)

II. The singing of the servants of God in heaven. (7:9-17)

Bottom line: We sing because we’ve been sealed.

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How to prepare for the end | Revelation 6:1-8

Bottom line: We must prepare for the end of life and the end of the world the same way: as if living and dying for Christ was worth it. And ordering our lives accordingly. Pastor Darien Gabriel walks us through Revelation 6:1-8 and the reality of martyrdom both in the early church and now. This sermon is one of the most important you will hear as it relates to the effects of the gospel and what it means to follow Christ no matter what.

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Why Do We Worship God? | Revelation 4:1-11

There are certain things about the future that we don’t know and that we are not supposed to know. However, there are other things that you can know about the future and that makes a real difference to your life now. Today we see why the echo the world needs to hear is from God through his people. That is worship.

Bottom line: Be the echo the world needs to hear from God through his people.

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How to Fully Rely on God Instead of Yourself | Revelation 3:17-22

Our series is “The best is yet to come” as we walk through the prophetic apocalypse that is the Revelation of the Risen Christ, a circular letter to the early church—and to us today.

Bottom line: Jesus calls us to fully rely on him instead of ourselves. Our self-reliance makes him want to puke.

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What You Don’t Realize Can Kill You | Revelation 3:14-22

Part 9 of our series on Revelation: The Best is Yet to Come . This sermon from Pastor Darien is from Revelation 3:14-22 and is titled “What You Don’t Realize Can Kill You.” Need: Due to it’s enormous affluence, the Laodicean church was vulnerable to self-reliance. We, the American church, need to hear Jesus’s words to this church and evaluate ourselves in light of them. Main Point (Akin): Churches that lose sight of their dependence on Christ for all things are deceived and useless, but Jesus graciously promises healing to all who will rely on him for their every need. Main point (Hamilton): Jesus calls on the church at Laodicea to rely on him and his resources rather than their own. Outline (Hamilton): 3:14 Jesus is the true witness 3:15-17 Laodicea’s self-reliance 3:18-20 The counsel of the true witness: Rely on Jesus 3:21-22 Hear the promises that the Spirit speaks.

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Being a Great Commission Church | Revelation 3:7-13

This week’s title: “Being a Great Commission Church”

Our series is “The best is yet to come” as we walk through the prophetic apocalypse that is the Revelation of the Risen Christ, a circular letter to the early church—and to us today. My prayer is that you’ll be strengthened, comforted and encouraged through this word today.

Tension: We must evaluate our church and ourselves to see if we’re being faithful to the Savior, the gospel, and the great commission for God rewards those who are.

Though we may be modestly influential culturally, the church that is faithful to the Savior, the gospel, and the great commission will be rewarded by God.

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Repent from the Tolerance of Sin | Revelation 2:18-39

Repent from the Tolerance of Sin | Revelation 2:18-39. If we want to rule with Jesus in the future, we need to be faithful to Him in the present. Remember, in the case of Thyatira, -Tolerance is not love, it is unfaithfulness

Though we are cultural outcasts now, or ridiculed now…we will rule. If we’re not outcasts now because of our faith, or ridiculed now because of our faith, then maybe we look too much like the culture.

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First Love | Revelation 2:1-7; 2 Tim 1:7

Our series is “The best is yet to come” as we walk through the prophetic apocalypse that is the Revelation of the Risen Christ, a circular letter to the early church—and us today. My prayer is that you’ll be strengthened, comforted and encouraged through this word today.

Now some of you may be thinking right now...things can’t get much worse. Better is good, best, well, I’m listening.

This week’s main idea: “Rev 2:1-7 teaches us that the great commandment matters to God. Jesus identified our greatest obligation was wholehearted love for God, which declares to us that God is not pleased by dutiful obedience that does not flow from genuine love. Here, Jesus mercifully reveals his glory to the church in Ephesus to summon forth from them the first love that he requires.” (Hamilton, p. 63)

My Bottom line: Remember how far you have fallen! Repent and return doing the things you did at first. (Remember, Repent, and Return)

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Motivated by the Risen Jesus | Revelation 1:9-20

This week’s main idea: “The risen Christ in glory summons forth obedience from his churches. The incomparable glory of the risen Christ motivates John’s audience to heed what John has been commissioned to write. The matchless splendor of Heaven’s King attracts the attention and compels the obedience of the churches John addresses.” -Hamilton

My Bottom line: When we (the Church) see the risen Jesus today, we’ll be super motivated to trust and obey.

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The Best is Yet to Come | Revelation 1:1-8

We are beginning a new series on the Book of Revelation. You will recall last week’s title: As We Wait in Uncertain Times, Put Your Hope in Him for All Time (Psalm 146). This week’s title: “The Best is Yet to Come” Main idea: “Those who hear and obey God‘s word concerning who Jesus is and what he does will be blessed by the Lord.” Bottom line: No matter how bad things get, the best is yet to come. And his name is Jesus. As pastor Darien Gabriel walks us through the book or Revelation, we look forward to Christ’s second coming just has we have remembered HIs first advent.

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Transformed to Transform | Luke 1:57-80

Bottom line: God’s great mercy leads to radiant joy and praise that transforms lives Transformation is visible. Transformation is dramatic. Transformation is life-changing. I was transformed the first time I saw the Atlantic Ocean as a kid. When we talk about transforming lives, that’s exactly what we are going for. We want a life that is so transformed that maybe the most dramatic comparison is the difference between a corpse and a person fully alive and healthy. (Eph 2:1-9). Join us as Pastor Darien teaches on Luke 1.

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Believe It Or Not, Jesus Is Coming | Luke 1:5-38

Bottom line: whether you believe God’s word or not, Jesus is coming...again.

Whether you believe God’s word or not, it will come to pass. Even when you fail to believe, God’s mercy is there for you. He disciplines his children when they fail to trust him. But he brings them back into fellowship as well. Just ask Zechariah. You can please God when you take him at his word. Just ask Mary. (Cf. Heb 11:3). Make sure you don’t miss the point for the pointer. The point is that God wants to walk in fellowship with you. He sent Jesus to restore our fellowship with him. That’s why he came the first time. The second time he’s coming to finish what he started. A re you ready?

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Be Prepared To Answer | 1 Peter 3:15-16

Bottom line: Doing good means always being prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you why you have hope and to do so w/ gentleness, respect, and a clear conscience. That includes your enemies and your persecutors. Be prepared & ready to share with anyone why you have hope.

In the Old Testament, the tabernacle (and later the temple) was the place where people went to meet with God. This was God’s home as we see in our Old Testament passage for today (Ezekiel 43:5).

The message of our New Testament passage though is that the glory and presence of God is to be found supremely in Jesus. It is at the very moment that Jesus is rejected and crucified that God’s presence among people is finally and fully realized. From that point on there is no need for a physical temple. The only church building the New Testament speaks about is a building made of people (Ephesians 2:20–22), founded and built upon Jesus, the chief cornerstone. The holy temple in the New Testament is one made of ‘living stones’ (1 Peter 2:5) – in other words, people like you and me. This is God’s new home.

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The War on Error | Titus 1:10-16 | Undeserved Grace

For the Church to be sound in the faith (doctrine & deed; belief & behavior; creed & conduct), we must confront false teachings and the Errorists who spread them.

Remember what an elder does:

  1. Lead - Follow me as I follow Jesus

  2. Feed - Teach/Train

  3. Protect - Confront/Rebuke/Correct

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Choosing Your Elders | Titus 1:5-9

Series: Underserved Grace Scripture: Titus 1:5-9 (Main passage); 1 Peter 5:1-4; 1 Tim 3:1-7 Title: Choosing Your Elders
Bottom line: Choose elders who are blameless under-shepherds where they live, work, learn, and play. Pastor Darien walks us through the qualifications for elders as it relates to their role as husbands, fathers, Christians, and theologians. Having qualified, biblical elders is part of churches coming into maturity. Elders shepherd the flock, guard against false doctrine, sin, and other dangers. Additionally, they nurture, lead, and teach.

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Sons & Daughters, Saved, Selected, & Sent to Serve | Titus 1:1-4 | Undeserved Grace

Have you ever felt like a failure, or of no use to God, or thought that God wouldn’t want to answer your prayers?

Until I first read Colin Urquhart’s book, In Christ Jesus, I had never realized how significant that little word ‘in’ is in the New Testament. Understanding that, as a Christian, you are ‘in’ Christ Jesus revolutionizes how you see yourself, your self-image, your identity and how you understand your value to God.

Write your name on a piece of paper. Take hold of your Bible to represent Christ. Place the paper in the book and close it. You are in Christ. Where the book goes you go. Where the paper goes he goes. You are not part of the book, but you are now identified totally with the book.

Paul uses this expression, ‘in Christ Jesus’, over and over again. God has taken hold of you and placed you inChrist. In Christ, you have received ‘every spiritual blessing’ (Ephesians 1:3). All of the blessings, including those that the Old Testament speaks about, are yours in Christ.

Who are we? Why are we (still) here?

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