Posts tagged Matthew 17
How Does Worshiping Jesus Christ Affect My Daily Life? Part 2 | Matthew 17:14-27

Series: All!

  • Jesus has all authority,

  • So that all nations

  • Might pledge all allegiance to him.

Title: “How does worshiping Jesus Christ affect my daily life? Part 2” (Darien Gabriel)

Scripture: Matthew 17:14-27 NIV

Bottom line: Treasuring Christ transforms us when we “listen to him” as the Father commands.





Discussion questions for group and personal study.

Reflect and Discuss

1. How is Jesus' patience different from our culture's idea of tolerance?

2. What about Jesus' prediction in verses 22-23 tells us that He wasn't a victim of circumstances?

3. Does Jesus' promise that nothing will be impossible for the one who believes (v. 21) mean that God is obligated to give us what we want if we believe sincerely enough? Why not?

4. What was Jesus' attitude toward the political powers of His day?

Final Questions (optional or in place of above)

  • What is God saying to you right now?

  • What are you going to do about it?

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Weekly questions I answer in preparation for the sermon:

Q. What do I want you to know?

A. That we are transformed by what we treasure; we live our lives based on what we worship.

Q. Why?

A. Because you are changed by what you value—what you truly love. This drives your motivations and decisions.

Q. What do I want you to do?

A. Treasure Christ above all so that you’ll “listen to him” through verses 14-27.

Q. Why?

A. Because there is no better way to please God (our eternal rabbi) than to “Listen to him.”



Dave Adamson writes, “I ONCE ASKED A RABBI why he didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah.

The rabbi, a personal friend of mine from New Jersey named Rabbi Lubin, told me that while he believed Jesus was a great rabbi, he couldn't accept Jesus as Messiah because his followers have done so many destructive things in his name.

"Jews judge a rabbi based on the behavior of their followers," he said.

Read that again: "Jews judge a rabbi based on the behavior of their followers." This was the reason my friend didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah. He followed up by adding, "The behavior of the disciple reflects the authority of the rabbi."

If you're like me, that line felt a lot like a punch in the gut. As it should!

Now, with that thought ringing in your ears, what does it look like to "make disciples" who accurately reflect the teachings of Jesus? This is a question I've been processing almost every day since I started…”

“…When I first started going to church as a 17-year-old, I thought being a disciple meant completing the six-week discipleship class my church held twice a year. And that's because the Hebrew word we translate as "disciple" in the Bible is "talmid" (n7n't pronounced "tal-meed"), which we usually translate as "student." But, as Rabbi Lubin taught me, while this word does mean "student, it can actually be translated as "apprentice"-someone who is being led to become just like their teacher. The translation of n7n't as student is correct, Rabbi Lubin told me, but the English concept of "student" doesn't quite cover the nuance of this important Hebrew word.” (Emphasis mine)

-Dave Adamson

A Jewish rabbit doesn’t just expect his disciples to listen to his words and teachings. He expects them to walk in his ways.

Let’s just ask this question. What if someone was here today and they said that they’d trust and follow Jesus if after looking into the lives of the Jesus followers in this room today they concluded he was a good rabbi.

How would your life help or hurt his decision?

It starts with this question:

How does worshipping Jesus Christ affect my daily life? I submit it does so in 5 ways (with some help from David Platt). Last week we covered the first one. Today we’ll cover 2-5.

Now, let’s review a phrase from last week that should ripple through this entire message: “Listen to him.” (God the Father)

Points 2-5 are what we would do if we “Listened to him.”

I. It transforms me from what I value to what Jesus Christ values. (17:1-13; cf. 16:23)

Why? Because we become what we behold.

    • Ex. My pursuit of Anita has transformed me over the years into a more mature person, a husband (we’re one), a father and a follower of Jesus Christ.

How? Through glad obedience.

II. It helps me suffer long. (17:14-21) Long-suffering = patience. Love is patient (1 Cor 13:4)

Why? Putting others first is hard but it’s what love does.

How? By the power of faith (prayer)

    • Rick Warren says he can tell a person’s faith by their prayers

    • This is the point Jesus wants to make (and why he’s frustrated). We either

      • Don’t believe God can do it, or

      • Don’t believe God will do it. (Or both)

      • God can do it. He is able. He is able to do more than we can ask or imagine in fact. So most of the time we’re asking for too little.

      • God cares about it. He may care about something else too (or more) so he answers in accordance with his perfect wisdom and will. But he cares.

III. It helps me surrender my life. (17:22)

Why? Because of his merciful example. Romans 5:8; 12:1

How? Buy the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2; 2 Tim 3:16-17

Jesus willingly surrendered his life for us. He did this because

    1. Of his love for his Father

    2. Of his love for us

Jesus knew where he was headed. This is the second time he predicts this to his disciples. They are so preoccupied with his death (because it means they’ll likely die too) that they miss the second part…his resurrection!

This should help me have this same perspective. If I know I’m going to die but not really there’s a freedom and peace in that. I’m willing to live life without fear of dying—and that’s freedom! I don’t care what other people think—just what God thinks.

IV. It helps me with my perspective. (17:23)

Why? It reminds me that Jesus Christ won at the cross.

How? By grace through faith.

Jesus also predicts his resurrection. While the 12 miss this every time he mentions it, it’s clear to us that he knew what was coming and was preparing for it along the way. (Prayers)

When I have this perspective that this isn’t all there is I’ll live with more freedom because I’ll be free from fear…fear of death, fear of failure, fear of rejection, etc.

V. It helps me live humbly and confidently. (17:24-27)

Why? Because I know who’s authority I have and live under already.

How? By forsaking/surrendering my rights in this world.

Jesus models humble contentment and submission to authorities for the sake of the mission.

Jesus models great faith. Think of all the miracles that have to happen for that coin to be in that fishes’ mouth.


Bottom line: Treasuring Christ transforms us when we “listen to him” as the Father commands.

Are you long-suffering with others? with your circumstances?

Are you living surrendered daily? Denying yourself and taking up your cross daily?

Are you living victoriously as if you really believed that the best is yet to come?

Are you living humbly and confidently?

Are you listening to him?

Let’s pray.


“Preaching the Word” Commentary, Douglas Sean O’Donnell, Edited by Kent Hughes

“Matthew” by RC Sproul

“CSB Christ Chronological,” Holman

“The Bible Knowledge Commentary” by Walvoord, Zuck (BKC)

“The Bible Exposition Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe (BEC)

“Exalting Jesus in Matthew” by David Platt (CCE)

Outline Bible, D Willmington

NIV Study Bible (NIVSB)

ESV Study Bible (ESVSB)

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