What's Up with Divorce? | Matthew 5:31-32

What's Up with Divorce?

Matt 5:31-32; 19:3-9

In 2021, there were 1.7 million marriages with 700,000 divorces. 

1,000,000 million children see their parents’ divorce annually.


I was reading RC Sproul and the book by Harvard sociologist, Pitirim Sorokin, around the middle of the 20th century.   He was pointing to the impending crisis in families between 1910 and 1948.

The divorce rate in:

·      1910 was 10%

·      1948 was 25%

Sorokin (historian of culture) said no civilization can survive when 1 out of 4 marriages are falling apart. 


The divorce rate in:

·      USA – 45% ---- in 1981 it was 53%

·      Spain – 63%

·      Belgium – 71%

·      Global Divorce Rate projected for 2022 – 48%

Pharisees tried to trap Jesus.  The thought was to get Jesus to offend the powerful or the religious.

Divorce for Sexual Immorality and Abandonment. 

Church should comfort and confront.